September 30th Assignments
7th Grade
1st period - Take Spelling Quiz 4; Check 2nd draft of story; Study for Spelling Test over all lists
Story - Based on a picture of a park, the students are to write a story telling us about the time in that park and why they are telling us this story. This story is to be about 2 handwritten sides of a piece of paper long. Details based on the park prewriting are important. This story is due next Wednesday. To be turned in on Wednesday: a prewriting done in class, an organization done in class, 1st rough draft that has been revised and signed, 2nd rough draft that has been edited and signed, and a final copy. Final copy is to be neatly handwritten or typed (double-spaced, 12 font arial or times new roman, 1 inch margins all the way around).
2nd period - Check 2nd draft of Story; Study for Spelling Test over all lists;
4th period - Take Spelling Quiz 4; Check 2nd draft of Story; Study for Spelling Test over all lists; finish OV's from yesterday
Test on Pronouns
Worksheet on Adjectives and Adverbs
150 words on where/when/who you would see/ if you had a time machine
Test on Pronouns
Worksheet on Adjectives and Adverbs
4th period - Take Spelling Quiz 4; Check 2nd draft of Story; Study for Spelling Test over all lists; finish OV's from yesterday
Grammar (Black 3)
Test on Pronouns
Worksheet on Adjectives and Adverbs
150 words on where/when/who you would see/ if you had a time machine
Grammar (Black 4)
Test on Pronouns
Worksheet on Adjectives and Adverbs
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